Answering the Call to Become a Brother

St. Joseph Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus has many wonderful, gifted, and talented men who serve the African American Community as dedicated Religious Brothers. These men make a promise to observe the Mission Statement of the Josephite Community, which calls for the promotion of the Gospels of Jesus Christ to the African American Community with an attitude of faith, justice, and charity. A Josephite Brother’s vocation is firmly rooted in a total dedication to live the will of God through the various works of the Josephite Apostolate.

The Josephite Brother is called to serve in the full ministerial capacity of the Society. Brothers are called to assist the priests in the parish in ministry to the people and to the larger community. While Brothers are not ordained to the ministerial priesthood, they are still committed to bring the Gospel message of Jesus to the People of God. The Brother is called daily to pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit; participates in the celebration of the daily Eucharist; and is encouraged to develop a personal prayer life. Brothers also join the priests of the Community for the annual Community retreat.

In what capacities may a Josephite Brother be called to serve within the African American Community?

Parish Ministry:

  • Parish Associate and Administrator
  • Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist
  • Lector
  • Instructor in or Director of Religious Education Programs
  • Pastoral Care for the elderly, the sick and shut-ins


  • Instructor at St. Augustine High School, New Orleans, LA


  • Involvement in Justice and Social concerns within the African American Community
  • Assist with programs for those dealing with personal addictions (AA; NarcAnon)
  • Involvement in Youth Ministry Programs on the parish and diocesan levels
  • Campus Ministry

If you are trying to discern whether God is calling you to be a Josephite, you may want to prayerfully consider the major requirements for our Community and our work.

Requirements to be a Brother:

  • A willing spirit of service in God’s Church
  • Preparedness to live and work with others in a community setting
  • Zeal to work in the African American community
  • Good physical, mental and emotional health
  • Openness to deepen a personal prayer life
  • Openness to pursue pastoral care studies
  • Ability to work with the laity