All Souls Novena
‘Lord Jesus Christ, deliver the souls of all the faithful departed’
As we anticipate All Saints and All Souls days at the beginning of November, our thoughts turn to our deceased loved ones. We remember them for all the good that they did for us and all the benefits that we received from them. At the same time, we are asked to pray for all the dearly departed, that God will welcome them into eternal joy. We pray that “perpetual light will shine on them.”
You are invited to remember deceased loved ones and our deceased Josephites in prayer during the annual nine days Novena. Each year, as part of our ministry, Josephites lead “Nine Days of Prayer for the Departed,” from
October 24 – November 2.
Please send us the names of your deceased loved ones and special intentions you wish included in the Novena and Masses The Josephites will remember your loved ones during the Novena and the Masses we offer on All Souls Day, November 2. All Josephite seminarians, novices, priests and brothers will join our prayers with yours.
During the liturgical feasts of All Saints and All Souls, we can storm the gates of heaven with our prayers on behalf of our dearly departed. Our church teaches that those who have died in the love of God can have their souls purged of the punishment due to their sins, “by the suffrages of the faithful in this life, that is, by Masses, prayers, and almsgiving, and by the other offices of piety usually performed by the faithful.”
As we remember our departed loved ones, we can take comfort that there is something we can do. We can cherish their memories and ask God to shower his mercy on them. This year, please join the Josephites who pray with confidence, “Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. May perpetual light shine upon them.”