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For 150 years, we Josephite priests and brothers have been serving in the African American community. We have a proud history that started shortly after the Civil War. From the East Coast to the West Coast, we are serving in parishes and schools and special ministries.
Why should you get or renew your subscription to The Josephite Harvest?
The Josephite Harvest is the oldest Catholic mission magazine in continuous publication in the United States. Established in 1888, the The Josephite Harvest is published quarterly to keep its readers current and aware of the work in the Josephite apostolate. The Josephite Harvest:
- Encourages devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and our patron, St. Joseph.
- Fosters racial and cultural understanding and reconciliation.
- Makes known the achievements of African Americans influenced by the Catholic Faith.
- Recognizes the labors of clergy and lay persons evangelizing African Americans.
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Thank you for your subscription to The Josephite Harvest.
Yours in Christ,
Bishop John H. Ricard, SSJ
Superior General & Publisher