Answering the Call to Become a Priest
Our Apostolate
The focus of our Apostolate is in the African American Community and is found primarily within the parish structure. Other endeavors of our Community work are in the fields of education, chaplaincies, and social justice issues. Our Josephite ministries are found primarily in urban and rural settings in the United States.
If you are trying to discern whether God is calling you to be a Josephite, you may want to prayerfully consider the major requirements for our Community and our work.
Requirements to be a Priest:
- A religious spirit rooted in love for Christ and His Church
- Love and fidelity to the Vicar of Christ
- Motivation to work in the African American community
- Ability to live and work with others in a community setting
- Good physical and mental health
- Emotional stability, including a healthy psychosexual development
- A high school diploma, the ability to do college and post graduate work
Education & Formation
When a candidate is accepted to the priestly formation program, if he has not begun or completed college, his college level seminary formation will begin in Washington, DC. This time is considered as our pre-theology program. Every candidate is required to spend at least one year in the pre-theology program studying courses in both philosophy and sociology.
When the pre-theology program is completed, if the candidate is accepted, he advances to one year in the Novitiate. The Novitiate year teaches the new Novice the practice of prayer, helps to clarify the novices understanding of our Josephite way of life, provides time for spiritual counseling, and continued discerning of a priestly vocation within the Josephite Society. At the end of the Novitiate year, the novice requests permission to make “First Promises” as a temporary professed member of the Society.
The final portion of priestly formation consists of the seminarian spending at least four years in graduate study of Theology at St. Joseph’s Seminary in Washington, DC. These years at the Major Seminary will also include, Renewal of Promises, Perpetual Promises, and Diaconate Ordination. The Diaconate year is a period of continued studies and formation in preparation for Priestly Ordination.