The Josephite Mission

St. Joseph’s Society of the Sacred Heart, The Josephites, is a religious community of Catholic priests and brothers, committed to serving the African American community through the proclamation of the Gospel and our personal witness.

Our commitment is expressed through sacramental, educational and pastoral ministry, service to those in need and working for social justice. LEARN MORE

Six On the Path to Sainthood

Currently, there are six African American Catholic candidates on the path to Sainthood. Learn more about each candidate and understand how you can help them on their road to canonization. Learn. Understand. Pray.

We Need Your Support

It is only through the continued support of donors like you that the Josephites can carry out their mission of service in the African-American community. Please consider donating today.

We Josephites give thanks for all who provide the financial resources needed for Josephites to serve the African American community. Thank you for your support, encouragement and prayers. DONATE HERE.

Let Us Pray with You

You are invited to share your prayer request here. You also are invited to join your petitions and your prayers with the prayers of all Josephites during our Novenas.

Thirty Days Prayer to St. Joseph
Feast of St. Joseph the Worker
All Souls Novena
Novena for Life

The Harvest

The Josephite Harvest is the oldest mission magazine in continuous publication in the United States. Published quarterly, The mission of The Harvest is to gain support and recognition for African American evangelization.

Click here to read the Autumn 2024 edition.

Josephite Pastoral Center

The Josephite Pastoral Center is the educational and research arm of the Josephite Society, founded in 1965.

The Josephite Pastoral Center is your one-stop for African-American Catholic resources, including books, publications, videos, calendars, cards and service development programs and so much more. Perfect for your parish or individual needs.


Contact Us

The Josephites look forward to hearing from you.
Click here for our Directory.
Contact The Josephites.

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